Who Am I?

Who am I? That is a very interesting question. I am the collections of my experiences and my limited time on Earth, but that doesn't mean this is who I will continue to be. I am an ever-changing being, fluid as life. There is not one thing about me that hasn't changed every second of every day. I am constantly gaining new knowledge and reevaluating who I want to be and how I can change myself to better fit that. All I know at this point in my life is that I am a human being capable of deep thoughts and emotions, forming new opinions on everything. The physical attributes of me are permanent, they will never change, but I don't consider my vessel to be me. I am the brain and the soul, not a body. I am thoughts, feelings, opinions, memories, and knowledge. I am an experience. I think all humans are an experience. That’s what makes us all individuals; the fact that none of us will experience the world in the same way.

For me, life has been moving just about every three years and having to constantly restart. It’s as if I am in a video-game and just as I get to through the introduction and tutorial, I am forced to restart. Maybe it’s why I am never the same person at any given moment. I will never know if it is, and I don’t think I will find out anytime soon. I hope that maybe I will become more developed in my being once I find something permanent in my life. That I will be less likely to change completely at any given point in time. That the only changes in me will be the knowledge I gain. But that is an unrealistic aspiration at this point in my life.


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